I’m a Scientist on Irish radio
In November we’re running I’m a Scientist in Ireland as part of Science Week Ireland, and are looking for Irish teachers and scientists to take part. This weekend Shane made his debut on Irish radio, on NewsTalk‘s science and technology programme Futureproof. He talked to Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin (PhD student in Mathematics Education at Trinity College Dublin and former Rose of Tralee, no less) about I’m a Scientist running in Ireland for the first time this November. You can listen to the interview online at http://media.newstalk.ie/listenbacks/popup by selecting ‘Futureproof’ under Listen Back. We’re just after 18:30 minutes in. If you listened to it what did you think? Are you interested in taking part, either as a teacher or a scientist? If you’ve got any questions just leave a comment here, or on twitter (@imascientist) with the hashtag #IASIE.