How I’m a Scientist works for scientists

I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here is an outreach activity engaging school students with people working in STEM.

By taking part you:

  • develop communication skills
  • gain a fresh perspective on your work
  • find out what young people think about science

Everything happens online. Take part from the office or at home, at times that suit your schedule.

Read how taking part in I’m a Scientist benefited these scientists āÆ

The format

ā€œOne of the most rewarding, fulfilling and thought-provoking periods I have had in scienceā€ Deepak, medical researcher

A screencap of a live Chat in action with students asking scientists questions and scientists replying in real-time
Real-time Chat

Chats with classes

Chats last 30 minutes. They happen on our text-only Chats-based platform (no video or audio needed) – check out the gif of a real-time Chat āž”ļø.

Chats are fast paced and fun. We donā€™t expect you to attend every chat! Sign up to whatever you can fit into your schedule.

Read about the advantages of being text-only āÆ

Time needed

The time commitment is flexible.

While the activity is designed to fit around your normal schedule, we recommend leaving yourself up to 1 hour to complete your profile.

Chats last 30 minutes and generally run during school hours (8.30am to 4pm). You are in control of your time: take part in the Chats that suit your schedule. You can also log in to answer studentsā€™ questions at any time.

Read how I’m a Scientist fits into the schedule of a busy scientist āÆ

Questions students ask

I’m a Scientist is a student-led activity. This means students can ask anything they like. There could be questions about you, your work, science, or any other topic.

All questions and Chats are moderated by our moderation team, who are there to help and support you throughout the activity.

All you need is a computer or device and internet access.

Everything is run through a web-browser, you don’t need to download any software.

Every term weā€™ll announce a ā€˜Scientist of the Termā€™. This is the person who has received the most votes from students (so far). On the final day of every term, the overall winner is revealed.

After your participation we will send you a certificate as a record of your efforts in engaging students with science.

Prize money

During the activity, students vote for the scientist they think should win Ā£500 for their own public engagement ideas.

The money could be spent on school visits, science fair exhibits, videos or podcasts, blogs, arranging class visits to your lab or officeā€¦ as long as itā€™s involving people outside of science, itā€™s a good idea.

Find out how past winners have spent their money āÆ

Who can apply?

Anyone in a science-related role is welcome to take part.

You could be working in industry, academia, or the public sector. You could be a technician, an apprentice, or in roles like comms or management.

Take part to show students the wide range of STEM-related careers out there.

Apply to take part āÆ

It only takes 2 minutes to apply. We’ll be in touch if we have the funding to support your place in the activity

Questions? Contact