Day 1: guinea pigs, mixing cells and curing cancer

Do guinea pigs eat cheese? Who's your favourite scientist? Image by J.reed.

Do guinea pigs eat cheese? Who's your favourite scientist? Image by J.reed.

And we have lift off! Chats have started, students are asking questions and scientists are busy giving them answers…

Genes Zone is racing ahead, with students asking over 80 questions. They’ve been finding out if guinea pigs like cheese and who the IAS scientists’ favourite scientists are.

Scientist Marcus has also been explaining what he does when he comes across a question he can’t answer.


Meanwhile students in the Cells Zone have been getting down to the nitty gritty, asking: “is it possible for cells to mix together?” and “can you get rid of rmsa?

And students in the Cancer Zone have been offering up their ideas for how to cure cancer. Scientist Susanne has also been explaining how the sea snail is helping us understand how our brains remember information.

After a chat with Perth Academy scientist Katie said: “that chat was fun – but a bit crazy!” With the rest of the event to go there’s lots, lots more where that came from! And there’s still time for teachers to book live chats here.

Posted on November 12, 2012 by in News. Comments Off on Day 1: guinea pigs, mixing cells and curing cancer