
What Jon Copley did with his prize money…

Originally, I planned to send live videos from our research ship to schools, so that students could take part in our expeditions, see what we are discovering on the ocean floor, chat to our team, and even sometimes direct our operations to explore the deep sea for themselves. To fulfill our dream of a live video link with schools, we now need our own satellite communications system, which would cost around £25000 per expedition. I haven’t given up on that plan and although I can’t yet bring students to the ocean floor via the internet, I can bring the ocean floor to the students. So using the IAS prize money and sponsorship from a company, my PhD students and I have created an exhibit called “Where no-one has stood before”. Our exhibit recreates what you would see, at life-size scale, if you were able to walk around on the seafloor … Continue reading

Posted on February 10, 2012 by in News, Winner report | Tagged | Comments Off on What Jon Copley did with his prize money…

What Ian Sillet did with his prize money…

As a winner of the June 2010 event I had promised to honour a £50 prize offered by a fellow competitor called Daniel Mietchen for his competition which can be found here. As yet the prize is unclaimed and as I still have the money, it’s still up for grabs. I also said I was investigating ways I could help a local school or youth group. Since then I have started helping at a local school with their after school science club. (see page 3!) I have already donated prizes for their science fair project and have started planning for a new term with some hopefully exciting afternoons in store. The rest of the prize money will be going towards equipment and supplies for some of the things I’m planning. Hopefully if I can win some more funds at a future event I can arrange something with another school or … Continue reading

Posted on January 27, 2012 by in News, Winner report | Tagged | Comments Off on What Ian Sillet did with his prize money…

March 2012 zones and sponsors

We’ve decided on the 8 zones running in the March I’m a Scientist event. In mid November the Wellcome Trust agreed to fund 50% of the costs of I’m a Scientist for the next 3 years, and we’ve also got 4 sponsors supporting themed zones. The 3 General zones are named after elements and will have a mix of scientists from all disciplines. We’re through to Gallium, Germanium and Selenium in the periodic table for March. The chemists among you may notice that we’re sadly not running an Arsenic Zone, because of the problems it may cause with firewalls. The 5 themed zones are open for scientists who are members of, or funded by, the zone sponsors: Electromagnetic Zone: sponsored by the Science & Technology Facilities Council Energy Zone: sponsored by the RCUK Energy Programme Quantum Zone: sponsored by the Institute of Physics Space Zone: sponsored by the Institute of … Continue reading

Posted on January 6, 2012 by andyhowells in News | Comments Off on March 2012 zones and sponsors

Congratulations to the November student winners!

We would like to congratulate the following students who have been named as the student winners in their zones of the STFC sponsored November 2011 event. Subatomic Zone – Aaron Dinas, Littleover Community School Zinc Zone – Anu Elegbede, St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School Well done to Aaron and Anu! The moderators thought they both asked good questions and really engaged with the event. They will each receive a student winner certificate and WH Smith vouchers. We would also like to thank all the other students who participated. There were some brilliant live chats and thought provoking questions asked which challenged the scientists. As one scientist said “the questions are great – was just discussing some of them with my research group at lunch“.

Posted on December 14, 2011 by andyhowells in News | Comments Off on Congratulations to the November student winners!

Genome Futures – I’m a Scientist for the Sanger Institute

For the next three weeks 14 researchers from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute will be talking with school students from a local Cambridgeshire school in Genome Futures, an I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here! event. Genome Futures is part of the Wellcome Trust’s 75th anniversary celebrations, where Wellcome Trust-funded centres, such as the Sanger Institute, are running events to engage their local communities. The Sanger Institute is a research centre that specialises in studying diseases that have an impact on global health by investigating genomes. During the event students from Sawston Village College will ASK scientists questions, CHAT with them during a live chat, and VOTE for the scientist who has best talked about their work. But unlike previous I’m a Scientist events there are no evictions. All the scientists will keep answering questions from the students until the end of the event on Friday 16th December. The event … Continue reading

Posted on November 29, 2011 by in News | Comments Off on Genome Futures – I’m a Scientist for the Sanger Institute

Congratulations to the winning scientists, Ben and Peta!

After two weeks of intense debate, stimulating chats and thought-provoking questions, I’m a Scientist, Get me out of Here! draws to an end. The five STFC scientists in each of the Subatomic and Zinc Zones battled it out for student votes, chatting with students in 36 live chats and answering 684 questions along the way. The scientists were eliminated one by one, to reveal the winner in each zone. So, congratulations to the winners: Ben Still – Subatomic Zone – Queen Mary, University of London Peta Foster – Zinc Zone – STFC Central Laser Facility Ben and Peta both receive £500 to spend on a science communication project, and we can’t wait to see their wonderful ideas put into practice! Ben plans to “Put it towards producing some podcasts and a documentary for everyone to enjoy” and Peta wants to “Create a demonstration of the best question/s I receive here so that it … Continue reading

Posted on November 25, 2011 by andyhowells in News | Comments Off on Congratulations to the winning scientists, Ben and Peta!

Wellcome News

Last week we (that’s Shane and Sophia) sat before a Wellcome Trust Grants Committee to ask them to fund the project for 3 more years. Prof Stephen Curry and Dan Hannard from Woodkirk Academy came along to give a first hand account of participating in the event as a scientist and teacher. Over 100 scientists and supporters joined in via twitter. You can read what they said here. Thank you to you all. You are the best advocates for event we have. The good news is that the committee said Yes. They have agreed a Society Award to fund 50% (as requested) of the costs of the event. The even better news is that this means we can expand the number of zones we run. In 2012 we’ll run 30 zones and this will rise to 50 in 2014. More students, more teachers, more schools and more scientists will now … Continue reading

Posted on November 14, 2011 by ModShane in News | Comments Off on Wellcome News

Please support I’m a Scientist

Tomorrow, Tuesday 8th November, at 16.20 is an important time. Sophia and I, aided by Dan Hannard and Prof. Stephen Curry, participating teacher and scientist, will be asking the Wellcome Trust to part-fund I’m a Scientist for another 3 years. We have a 10 minute presentation and then 25 minutes of Q&A. We need your help! During the Q&A we will have a slide that will display all the tweets with #IAS2011 – live. It would be very impressive to see loads of tweets supporting the event between 16:30 and 17:00. 140 characters (including #IAS2011) saying what you got out of it would be perfect. I’m sure the committee would want to hear directly from the participants so please don’t hold back. That’s between 4.30 and 5pm on Tuesday 8th November. Please put it in your diary and tweet for #IAS2011

Posted on November 7, 2011 by ModShane in News | Comments Off on Please support I’m a Scientist

Who’s taking part this November?

It’s a good few months since the last I’m a Scientist in June earlier this year, and the time has come to run another event! From November 14th-25th we are running a smaller I’m a Scientist event with 2 zones. It’s sponsored by the Science & Technology Facilities Council, so the 10 scientists taking part all work with the STFC in different ways, such as using STFC facilities, working for the STFC or receiving STFC funding for their research. The STFC is one of the 7 Research Councils in the UK, and they address research topics from particle physics to global security. They’re looking at topics as fundamental as the birth of the universe to the solar system we live in, understanding how the heavy elements are formed in the violent explosions of stars, and if it’s possible to complete the ‘Standard Model’ (including the search for the elusive Higgs … Continue reading

Posted on October 24, 2011 by in News | Comments Off on Who’s taking part this November?

What Stephen Curry did with his prize money… I’m a Scientist – the Film!

Have your students ever wondered what scientists are really like? During I’m a Scientist questions around this theme are very common: Can I be a scientist like you? Is being a scientist like the stereotypical one who wears a white lab coat and huge glasses with crazy hair? What makes a good scientist? After winning the Imaging Zone in June 2010, Stephen Curry (aka the GingerNinja) decided to make a film about science, addressing this question: what are scientists really like? Made with teenage school students in mind, the film is a wonderfully insightful and funny teaching resource to show your students about being a scientist and the world of science. After his win Stephen said “I am convinced that most scientists are, like myself, pretty ordinary people who just happen to be exceedingly curious. I hope in these conversations to break apart the stereotypical image that all scientists are super-intelligent … Continue reading

Posted on September 21, 2011 by in News, Winner report | Tagged | Comments Off on What Stephen Curry did with his prize money… I’m a Scientist – the Film!