DAY 1 – Video games, wrinkly fingers and edible animals
It’s been a hectic first day of chats and the range of questions asked and topics covered has been huge! From video gaming surgeons to why our fingers go wrinkly in the bath, the students have uncovered some pretty fascinating stuff. Did you know… Video gaming surgeons are better at operations: isaacimogen41 : How do you think people will benifit from playing computer games phillipwilkinson : There was a study that showed surgeons who play video games as a hobby could perform operations faster and with less mistakes! So video games can help with motor-function. So your ability to do things with your hands is the most obvious. Synthetic life forms may exist in the future: kimjombamabinil : is it possible that in the future we will be able to synsthesise life? alessandroguazzi : definetely! Someone’s working towards that! Craig Venter is the main pioneer but we’re still at the … Continue reading