I’m a Scientist March 2015: Who’s taking part?
I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here is back this March with 70 scientists, and 150 schools from Gairloch to Torquay, and one school from Spain. The scientists will be competing for the school students’ votes in two weeks of fast-paced live chats and questions on everything from genes, to atoms, to space, to pizza. For the latest news and announcements, find us on Twitter, @imascientist, and follow the hashtag, #IASUK. Let’s meet the scientists and schools taking part… Evolution Zone This zone is organised on behalf of the University of Reading. The Scientists Adam Milligam | Postdoctoral at Queen’s University Belfast I play with dogs to see if they are left or right handed and to see if left-handed dogs are less happy than right-handed dogs. Emily Seward | PhD Student at University of Oxford Parasites often face challenging or hostile environments within their hosts; I examine how plant parasites evolve to survive in new hosts … Continue reading