DAY 9: Stings, eyes, memory and talking prairie dogs
Top two (or three!) scientists announced in each zone On the penultimate day of the competition, we’re down to just 2 scientists in each zone. The votes were tied in both the Quantum Zone and the Reproduction Zone, with 3 scientists in each of these zones remaining in the running for the prize money – every student vote really does count! Today’s highlights: In the Reproduction Zone, we learnt how to treat wasp stings and not to eat zebra fish… tararuby00 : Why do wasp and bee stings really hurt? chriswhittle : They are based on acids and alkalis, bee stings are acidic I think, wasps alkaline. Best thing to do with a wasp sting is rub on vinegar! — peterprules : can you eat zebra fish or are they poisonous albertolapedriza : they are not poisonous, but I dont think they are very tasty either In the Animal Behaviour … Continue reading