I’m a Scientist has been designed so that other teachers can run the Chat for you. Pass on this document to them.💻 You will need:
- Log in cards for the students (these are supplied by the booking teacher and should be printed from the PDF).
- Computers or iPads/ tablets (one per student or one per pair)
⏰ Read this out to the students before the Chat starts:
As a class, we will have a 30 minute live-chat with a variety of different scientists. It’s all text based, and you can ask the scientists any questions you like.
- You can ask the scientists whatever you like, even if they weren’t in your Chat. Send your questions any time and, if you leave an email address, you’ll get an email when you’ve been answered.
- Questions and answers stay on the site so have a look around and see what others have asked.
- You can log in outside of school hours to send more questions to the scientists.
- You can Vote for your favourite scientist. At the end of the term, the scientist with the most votes will win a £500 prize! Read how the scientist would spend the prize money on their profiles!
💬 To access the Chat:
- Students log in to the Chat at: https://imascientist.org.uk/ using the details on their login cards.
- Click on the ‘Chat’ link.
- The Chat will open 5 minutes before the Chat is due to start.
- The moderator will be there to make sure the Chat runs smoothly and will explain how the Chat will work.
🖨️ After the Chat:
- Once the Chat is finished, students will no longer be able to send messages.
- Tell the students to ask follow up questions by clicking the Ask link.
- Tell the students to vote for their favorite scientist by clicking the Vote link.
- Students can log off.
- Download to send this information to others.
Should you have any questions, or need a hand with anything, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at support@imascientist.org.uk or by calling (+44) 01225 667922.