
Day 7 – Round 1 of Evictions

It’s been a great event so far! Scientists have been working hard to answer over 2,700 questions and have taken part in over 80 live chats collectively. But as only one scientist can win in each zone it’s time to announce the first to be evicted. The first scientists to go are: Clare in Electromagnetic David in Energy Viv in Gallium Cathal in Germanium James in Quantum Indi in Selenium Karen in Space Steve in Sports We’d like to say thank you to all the scientists for all the time and effort you’ve put into answering student questions and taking part in live chats. We hope you’ve enjoyed taking part. Students are getting a lot out of the event. In live chats students have said: “thank you guys amazing chatting with you” and “i REALLY ENJOYED THIS WAS VERY INTERESTING!!!”   There’ll be more evictions every day and on Friday … Continue reading

Posted on March 20, 2012 by in News | 1 Comment

Day 7 – Hot topics for debate

At the beginning of the second week and students haven’t just been asking big questions, they’ve been debating them!   In Selenium Zone Indi and Vicky discuss with students the ethics behind animal testing. Indi defends her animal research as necessary for preventing disease and ill health. While Germanium Zone have been having a conversation about how their research can involve physically or emotionally hurting living things. Answers include Daphne bleaching microalage and Darren giving mice in his experiments plenty of food, water and shelter, which they don’t get in the wild.   Energy Zone scientists decide whether time is an illusion or a dimension. Student stanners69 commented: “i think that we exist in a 4 demensional universe where are future is already set out.”   And in Gallium Zone students ask if people are born gay, straight, bisexual or do  people choose.   It’s great to see such topical issues like these being discussed … Continue reading

Posted on March 19, 2012 by in News | Comments Off on Day 7 – Hot topics for debate

Day 5 – Our World in Motion

It’s National Science and Engineering Week. This year’s theme “Our World in Motion” relates well to what students have been asking. Fiona and Justin in Sports Zone explain how the time of day effects running speed, Adam in Space Zone answers why space missions must account for solar wind  and Sam and Elizabeth in Electromagnetic Zone explain use roller coasters and cars to explain why centrifugal force is only virtual.   With the first eviction on Tuesday tension is increasing!

Posted on March 16, 2012 by andyhowells in News | Comments Off on Day 5 – Our World in Motion

Day 4 – Big Bang, Stars and Miracles!

In a day of more manic live chat sessions we found some Q&A treats for you: What sound did the big bang make? – that gave the chance for some serious physics and “Whoosh.” do you think that stars have any importance to the world? – some physics and philosophy from Space Zone Continuing the more philisophical side of things students in Energy Zone have asked: do you believe in miracles? and in Selenium Zone can any other mammals apart from  humans cry? The scientists are getting through – Student terrariakid said in an Energy Zone live chat: “i am learning alot about everything!!!!!! !“

Posted on March 15, 2012 by in News | 1 Comment

Day 3 – Questions keep on coming!

Today has been busy! There’s been 8 live chats and there are now over 1,700 student questions for scientists to answer. Some scientists have been feeling the strain but all their hard work seems to be paying off. Ezzy Pearson said in a live chat: “There were such good questions. I feel like I’ve had a good brain work out“.   Student have also been enjoying themselves. Student (ayshacupcake) from Gallium Zone said “we are in a science lesson but we would do this in our own time, thank you for infactuating us with your knowledge” in a live chat.   There have been lots of questions on space. Some brilliantly weird: Do you think the prime minister could be an alien? and some very logical: why is space so black? and is there rain in space?   Bodily questions include why we get morning breathe and what triggers the content … Continue reading

Posted on March 14, 2012 by in News | 1 Comment

Day 2 – through the 1,000 question mark

It’s the end of only day two and already the mods have approved over 1,200 questions form the 1,400 students registered so far on the site. Today the scientists typed their way through 13 live chats. Fingers are tiring. Second day of live chats and question answering for @imascientist and my typing fingers are sore.Exhilarating! #IAS2012 — Leila Battison (@leilabattison) March 13, 2012   The students are still going good guns: Our sports scientists are being asked if we could have two hearts and what the impact would be on performance. Space scientists are providing their views on Super Mario Galaxy and the science involved. In the Quantum Zone Suzanne gives a very full explanation of the maths of juggling and the cute award lands in Energy Zone: Woould you rather have a puppy sized elephant pr an elephant sized puppy?   Enjoy.  

Posted on March 13, 2012 by ModShane in News | Comments Off on Day 2 – through the 1,000 question mark

Day 1 – Live chats are go!

Today was a big day. We kicked of 13 live chats across 7 zones; introducing both scientists and students. Scientists have been getting quite excite but nervous over the weekend. Vicky Young (scientist) tweeted “Im a little nervous for it all now. The live chats seem like they might be very intense! Speed typing would help!” Vicky wasn’t the only scientist expecting both the physical and computer strain. Leila Battison tweeted that she’d “even changed the batteries in my keyboard, anticipating overusage!” The newly trained mod(erator)s were also feeling the heat. One mod tweeted “Just gearing up for @imascientist #IAS2011 the words baptism and fire spring to mind.” Once the live chats had started, scientists and students soon got the hang of it. A common theme was apocalyptic mortality, with lots of students asking if the world will end in 2012. Scientists couldn’t give definite answers for these questions, showing scientists don’t … Continue reading

Posted on March 12, 2012 by in News | Comments Off on Day 1 – Live chats are go!

Who’s taking part in March 2012?

It’s only a matter of weeks before I’m a Scientist starts in March so it’s time to announce the scientists and schools taking part. The event will be running from 12th-23rd March, coinciding with National Science and Engineering week. Zones such as Energy and Sports tie in particularly well with this year’s theme Our World in Motion. Schools Over 100 schools will be taking part and as usual there’s a big variety in schools involved, from Weymouth to Glasgow, and even Hungary. We’re hoping that, as in previous events, energy levels will be high and classes at these schools will have a great experience. One teacher in June 2011 said: “You could have powered a small town off the energy the kids produced this during our session”.  Scientists As ever competition for scientists was very tough, and choosing the final scientists to take part was challenging. We had to turn … Continue reading

Posted on February 20, 2012 by andyhowells in News | Comments Off on Who’s taking part in March 2012?

What Julian Rayner did with his prize money…

I work on malaria, and specifically how the parasites that cause malaria recognise and get inside our red blood cells. Malaria parasites have incredibly complicated life cycles, passing back and forth between humans and mosquitoes, but it is when they infect our red blood cells that they cause all the symptoms of malaria, including death – nearly a million children die from malaria every year. Our idea is that if we understand how they invade our red blood cells, we can come up with vaccines or drugs to try to block invasion, and so prevent malaria infection. The actual process of invasion is fascinating – it is literally one cell forcing it’s way inside another, with the parasite almost dragging the surface of the red blood cell around itself until it winds up inside, where it is protected from the human immune system and surrounded by lovely haemoglobin. We use … Continue reading

Posted on February 17, 2012 by in News, Winner report | Tagged | Comments Off on What Julian Rayner did with his prize money…

June dates for your diary

In I’m a Scientist this June 2012 we’re scheduling the event a bit differently. In previous years we’ve run one big event in June. But this year we’re running 2 smaller events in the summer term, with the following dates: 11th – 22nd June 25th June – 6th July The reason we’re doing this isn’t just to give ourselves more work, but to give as many UK schools as possible the chance to take part. In previous years we’ve not had many Scottish and Northern Irish schools take part (Scotland and Northern Ireland are pretty sparse on our June 2011 participants map) because the event clashes with the earlier end of term. And with examinations and an unusually late half term and bank holiday for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee to fit around, there’s no one fortnight that would suit everyone. So this year we’re running an earlier event and later … Continue reading

Posted on February 16, 2012 by in News | Comments Off on June dates for your diary