Day 7 – Hot topics for debate
At the beginning of the second week and students haven’t just been asking big questions, they’ve been debating them! In Selenium Zone Indi and Vicky discuss with students the ethics behind animal testing. Indi defends her animal research as necessary for preventing disease and ill health. While Germanium Zone have been having a conversation about how their research can involve physically or emotionally hurting living things. Answers include Daphne bleaching microalage and Darren giving mice in his experiments plenty of food, water and shelter, which they don’t get in the wild. Energy Zone scientists decide whether time is an illusion or a dimension. Student stanners69 commented: “i think that we exist in a 4 demensional universe where are future is already set out.” And in Gallium Zone students ask if people are born gay, straight, bisexual or do  people choose. It’s great to see such topical issues like these being discussed … Continue reading