
Day 7 – Round 1 of Evictions!

Scientists have been working hard to answer over 1, 500 questions and have taken part in over 60 live chats collectively. But as only one scientist can win in each zone it’s time to announce the first to be evicted. The first scientists to go are: Alison in Bromine. Sarah in Krypton. Mae in Rubidium. Vijay in Strontium. Charlotte in Animal Behaviour. Leisha in Genes. Beth in Materials. We’d like to say thank you to all the scientists for all the time and effort you’ve put into answering student questions and taking part in live chats. We hope you’ve enjoyed taking part. Here are some of the best picked questions; What is a headache and what is the cause of it? (Bromine) how come you dont sleep in day and play in night (Krypton) what causes Schizophrenia and how can it be cured? (Rubidium) Why don’t our knee-caaps snap when … Continue reading

Posted on June 19, 2012 by modjosh in News | Comments Off on Day 7 – Round 1 of Evictions!

Day 6 – Second week superpowers!

Under 24 hours until the FIRST eviction of this event! It’s week two, and the scientists have been blasting through the questions and live chats in preparation for tomorrow’s first eviction! Here are a couple of daily wonders; why do men have nipples, Just wondering do they have 6ft killer rats in africa or is my friend talking rubbish??, Have you ever had worms as a result of your fieldwork?, do you like doctor who? (this has come up in the live chats once or twice), as well as “olivia13 : @sarah cool. So could we ever turn into people like wolverine with superpowers it we are turning into superhumans?” and What mutation would you do to yourself? We also discovered a lot of philosophical questions; why do we laugh?, does the work you do inprove who you are as a person or not? and Do you think kids should … Continue reading

Posted on June 18, 2012 by modjosh in News | 1 Comment

Day 5 – That Friday feeling!

The first week is over, and after the sudden bombardment of live chats and questions, we’re able to have a rest, have a cuppa and go through all the questions. We thought we’d find you some of the gems from the week, there were so many, over 1,200 questions asked by over 1,100 registered students  – but there were obviously a few stand out questions that made us giggle and some that made us think. I’m sure we’ve asked this about many annoying noises before how do you drown out the noise of justin bieber? Bromine bring religion to the table, when they answered is god real if not why is there religion?? Sarah and Austin from Krypton, describe Why aren’t gases as heavy as liquids and solids? to a class of 9 year olds – which meant, even I could understand it. Will from Strontium gives us tips on … Continue reading

Posted on June 15, 2012 by modjosh in News | 1 Comment

Day 4 – The trouble with time travel

As day four draws to a close, the mods continue to go through the mass of questions, which came flooding in after the very lively livechats. A lot of todays questions took quite a delicate approach, with a very interesting conversation between students and scientists in a Bromine live chat: “kirstynic99 : @caroline – Do you think IVF is right?” “speccy4eyes : @caroline who do you think should pay for IVF” “carolinedalton : @speccy @kirsty those are very interesting questions. I think if we look at infertility as a disease then it is right to treat people who are suffering from it if we have the technology and the knowledge to do so safely”. As well as can you really die of a broken heart? and What is your opinion on people ending their own life? Obviously we still had a lot of ‘If the zombie apocalypse happened what would … Continue reading

Posted on June 14, 2012 by modjosh in News | 1 Comment

Day 3 – Animals and Alphabets

Today was busy, with more live chats and a sudden influx of questions in Rubidium! Animal Behaviour is still ahead with the most questions.. Students really want to know about the emotional wellbeing of animals.. have you ever heard a whales cry underwater?, why do dogs wag their tails when they are happy?, do animals form bonds with people and other animals? There were also some diverse questions and theories in the Live Chats “noogieman : can too much exposure to methane kill you? “ from Bromine Zone and “homasoftamre123 : Do shadows have particles?” and “alysha : why is ice clear and snow white?” from Rubidium Zone. We also witnessed a beautiful coming together of zones and events (even mods joined in) for one very scientific question.. A question we’ve all asked ourselves at some point.. how fast can you type the alphabet? Catch up with what happened on … Continue reading

Posted on June 13, 2012 by modjosh in News | 1 Comment

Day 2 – Lines of Live Chat

Day two is over, we had lots more live chats today, which resulted in some interesting questions.. “laurajoseph : is there anything you can do to stop a heart attack?” and “reem : ants dont sleep. is that true?” and “vanessa1234 : Isit true that even if your brain is working but your heart isnt, you can still surive?”. We also ploughed through questions, the mods were quick to spot the JLS, One Direction and new to the ‘who’s your fave band’ bench.. The Wanted.  A very important question! It also seems the Animal Behaviour Zone has gone mad with dolphin questions (I have heard that dolphins can kill sharks, is it true?) and cat questions (Is it true cats are more likely to survive falling from a larger height than a smaller one?) The mods managed to approve over 390 questions from over 800 students registered so far on the site. And … Continue reading

Posted on June 12, 2012 by modjosh in News | Comments Off on Day 2 – Lines of Live Chat

Day 1 – Queues of Questions

I’m a Scientist kicked off today with scientists answering lots of great questions queued up by students over the last few weeks. Scientists started with some of the really important questions, like… “How many hobnobs and cups of tea do you could have in one sitting?” ” is there scientific proof that having a moustache makes you more attractive?” and “Do cats actually like their owners?“. Students then asked more questions including.. “do you think cells can kill themselves?” or “is it possible to clone a person” and the tough decision of “If you were the last thousand of people on earth and you had to make a desicion between saving the knowledge of mankind, setting up a new goverment or finding food and shelter which one would you chosse“. The two common themes that have appeared today are cats and dolphins, unsuprisingly in the Animal Behaviour Zone as Kevin … Continue reading

Posted on June 11, 2012 by in News | 1 Comment

Who’s taking part in June 2012: Los Angeles?

It’s time to announce the scientists and schools taking part in the Los Angeles I’m a Scientist event from 25th June – 6th July. Nearly 70 schools will be taking part with schools from Newcastle to Torquay. We’re hoping that, as in previous events, energy levels will be high and classes at these schools will have a great experience. One teacher in March 2012 said the best part of the event was “Seeing the excitement of the students as they received feedback to their questions”. Scientists As ever competition for scientists was tough, and choosing the final scientists to take part was hard. We had to turn down lots of scientists doing fascinating research. Scientists have thoroughly enjoyed previous events. One scientist who took part in March 2012 says “I hugely enjoyed it. There are clearly some smart kids out there”.   Molybdenum Zone Scientists SarahJayne Boulton Newcastle University I’m a … Continue reading

Posted on June 8, 2012 by modjosh in News | Comments Off on Who’s taking part in June 2012: Los Angeles?

GM Food Zone

GM foods have been hitting the headlines again recently. Debate has become argument and positions have become entrenched leaving it hard sometimes to work out the facts, and what’s relevant. I’m a Scientist, GM Food allows you to put your questions to a range of people with knowledge about the issues and hear  all the angles on something that may be central to the future of how we feed ourselves. The Zone will open on Monday 18th June for members of the public to pose their questions. Today we are asking you to help us choose the experts by nominating who you think should be participating. We’re looking for a range of people: plant geneticists, ecologists, food security policy experts, development specialists. We want people who support GM Food. We want people who oppose it. We want people who lie in between. Please use the form below to suggest who … Continue reading

Posted on June 1, 2012 by ModShane in News | Comments Off on GM Food Zone

Amsterdam – On your marks, get set…

The I’m a Scientist Amsterdam event kicks off in 2 weeks time, on June 11th! The scientists are raring to go and students and teachers are now registering on the site and exploring their zones. Students, once you’ve registered using the access code card your teacher gives you, you can read all about the scientists in your zone as they’ve been busy updating their profiles for you. If you’ve got a question for the scientists already you can ask it now, although they won’t get a chance to answer it until June 11th. Teachers, we’ve already had over 30 live chat requests so you can book one for your class now, using the booking form at The earlier you book, the more likely you are to get the slot you want! Scientists, now you’ve filled in your profile you can sit back, relax and wait until June 11th to … Continue reading

Posted on May 28, 2012 by in News | Comments Off on Amsterdam – On your marks, get set…