Day 6 – Itâs the final week!
The Monday morning blues were quickly banished by means of a show of school students and their excellent questions in the live chats. alan1421 : @emma how come on earth there oxygen and in space theres none i mean why doesn’t the oxygen go from earth and fill in the space emmatrantham : @alan1421 Brilliant question! I didn’t know the answer to this until recently. At least part of the reason is that the gravity of the earth attracts the oxygen to it (Niobium Zone) hamsa : Why is there no mammal with green fur? Green is a good camouflage color, and nonmammals (for example, frogs, snakes, and birds) do come in green. Why not mammals? (Earth Zone) mayerar01 : could the moon have moonquakes?? shaunarose : Since clouds contain tiny water droplets, why are rainbows not permanently present? johnwelford : @shaunarose, there needs to be quite a lot of sunlight … Continue reading