Day 8 – Round 2 Evictions: the competition’s hotting up!

Only one scientist can win each zone and so today we had to say goodbye to more scientists.

The second set of scientists to go are:

We hope you’ve enjoyed taking part! Thank you for all the time and effort you’ve put into answering student questions and taking part in live chats. Students are getting a lot out of the event.

With evictions happening everyday, the tension is building. After yesterday’s eviction Vicky Young tweeted:

Phew – made it through the first round of ‘imascientist Really really want to win!

Despite the pressure, there’s still lots of camaraderie between scientists.


Highlights from student questions include:

The philosophical: “Do you think that all of our achievements may be in vain like the achievements of Ozymandias?

The creative: “If you had the opportunity to design a rocket what would it look like..?

And the one that got us thinking: “If I can close my eyes why cant I close my ears?


Posted on March 21, 2012 by in News. Comments Off on Day 8 – Round 2 Evictions: the competition’s hotting up!