Based on your feedback, we’ve introduced 2 new features to give you more control over where your profile appears and who can view it. These features are to make sure everyone feels comfortable taking part. If you have had a bad experience online before or have a job that requires sensitivity, for example, you can limit your online presence while still getting involved.
1. Hide Page from Search Engines
This feature allows you to discourage search engines from including your profile in search results by adding a ‘noindex’ tag to your profile page.
Please note that this doesn’t guarantee immediate or complete removal from search results. Existing indexed results may take time to disappear, and some search engines might still display the page.
It’s worth considering that by increasing the privacy of your profile, you will also be limiting its impact. Public profiles are a great source for people to find out more about scientists. Limiting indexing will decrease the diversity that they see.
2. Private Profile
This feature means your profile will only be shown to users who are logged in. This means your page will not come up on the list of scientist profiles for users who aren’t logged in. Any Follow-up Questions you answer will still be publicly viewable.
Students often browse the profiles of the scientists to brainstorm questions without logging in. If you increase the privacy of your profile, they might miss you.

You can find these options by going to your Dashboard, clicking on ‘Edit Your Profile’, then looking under ‘My Account Details’.