New design for Iā€™m a Scientist

How we look on May 15th 2017.

We’re about to launch our new site design. We’re going to make it live for the June event, and you will get to see it in situ. So next time you log in things might look a bit different.

For the past few months we have been working in the background to develop a new look for our site to make it a bit more modern, a lot better on mobile devices and and much easier for us to update.

We’re still testing before going live on a site with an event so if you spot anything that looks rubbish or even worse doesn’t work, please email and let us know there’s a problem. Send an email to with a URL, screenshot and what you think isn’t right. It would be much appreciated.

Posted on May 15, 2017 by modjosh in News. Comments Off on New design for Iā€™m a Scientist