I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here will run for two weeks during British Science Week from Monday 9th to Friday 20th March 2015.
With 14 different zones, we’re looking for 70 scientists and have space for almost 5,000 students.
Here is a list of the zones we will be running, or if you want to jump straight to the application, teachers apply here: imascientist.org.uk/teachers and scientists here: imascientist.org.uk/scientist-apply.
Evolution Zone
In this zone we’ll be looking at everything evolution. We’re after five scientists to talk about what fossils tell us about the living things that inhabited our planet millions of years ago and about evolutionary adaptations and how animals and plants are adapted to suit their different environments. From how best to explain the giraffe’s long neck to why bugs that are resistant to antibiotics are in the news, this zone aims to give children an appreciation of how evolution works and why it is relevant to their lives.
This zone is organised on behalf of the University of Reading, and it is aimed at primary schools only.
Genes Zone
Genetics is a pretty broad topic, from DNA damage and cell growth to proteins and genetic diseases, this zone is open to all.
Green Chemistry Zone
From reducing waste products to the development of alternative energy sources; in this zone we’ll be exploring sustainability in chemistry. We’re looking for any chemists working on reducing the impact of chemistry on the environment.
This zone is funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry. To be eligible to take part, scientists should be a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Immune System Zone
The immune system is composed of structures and processes that protect us from disease. We’re looking for scientists looking at how the immune system works, searching for ways to improve it or help it fight unwanted pathogens.
Light Zone
Coinciding with the International Year of Light , this zone will focus on the topic of light science and all its applications. Scientists taking part in this zone could be developing new laser technologies, working at STFC’s Diamond Light Source or at STFC’s Central Laser Facility.
This zone is funded by the STFC. To be eligible to take part, scientists should have some link to the STFC. See this page for more.
Materials Zone
From solid-state chemistry to polymer science, we’re looking for scientists working in the broad field of Materials Chemistry, to inspire primary school students this March.
This zone is funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry. To be eligible to take part, scientists should be a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Medical Physics Zone
From diagnostics scanning (like Ultrasound or MRI) to nuclear medicine and treatments like radiotherapy, this zone will feature scientists working to improve medical treatments with the help of Physics.
This zone is funded by The Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) with support form the Institute of Physics (IOP).
Molecules Zone
This zone will give us the chance to invite a variety of chemists to take part in I’m a Scientist. From analytical chemists, to chemists studying organic compounds or theorical chemistry.
This zone is funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry. To be eligible to take part, scientists should be a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Particle Physics Zone
This zone will explore the fundamental objects of the universe. We’re looking for scientists working on high energy particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, trying to make sense of the huge amounts of data collected in these massive experiments, or looking at some of the least well understood particles like neutrinos.
This zone is funded by the STFC. To be eligible to take part, scientists should have some link to the STFC. See this page for more.
Sustaining Health Zone
Following Wellcome Trust “Sustaining Health” funding scheme, we will run a zone with five scientists working in environment, nutrition and health to figure out how our planet can healthily sustain nine billion people by 2050.
General Physics Zone
The Terbium Zone will feature five physicists working on different research fields.
This is a zone funded by the Institute of Physics.
General Science Zones
General Science Zones take five different scientists from a wide range of research areas. These are not themed zones and not all the scientists will be using the named element in their research.
Dysprosium Zone
Holmium Zone
Erbium Zone
Thanks to the Wellcome Trust for part funding I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here!
Apply now to take part!
Teachers apply here: imascientist.org.uk/teachers
Apply before Monday 26th January
We’ll send an email out soon after you sign up asking which zones and how many classes you would like to bring online.
Scientists apply here: imascientist.org.uk/scientist-apply
Apply before Monday 26th January
Take a look at this page for our advice on your application!
I’m an Engineer
This March we’ll also be running 6 zones in I’m an Engineer. Click here for more information.