Day 6: salmonella curing cancer and women with moustaches

Could women ever grow proper moustaches? Image by Artyom min.

Could women ever grow proper moustaches? Image by Artyom min.

It’s the start of week 2 and students are back asking questions and having live chats.

In a Cancer Zone live chat today students asked some amazing tough questions like:

student: @clare do you think that salmonella or similar bacteria will ever be able to try and deliver new treatments for cancer directly to tumours?
claretaylor : @student Salmonella is an amazing bacterium because it can invade your cells. All we need to do is harness it’s natural ability


After the chat scientist Clare said: “Wow! Wow! That was brilliant! I’m so impressed with them all … If that’s our future, we’re in safe hands!”


Over the weekend students in the Cancer Zone have been finding out how plants fend off disease, and what are the best ways of curing different types of cancer.

Cells Zone students have been feeling the chill, finding out how cells adapt to cold weather and why we get goosebumps.

And in Genes Zone scientists have been explaining what we would be without the big bang, how scientist Adam will be making the WWOX gene accessible to all and if women can grow moustaches.


The first scientist from each zone will be evicted at 3pm tomorrow so students get voting to save your favourite scientists!

Posted on November 19, 2012 by in News. Comments Off on Day 6: salmonella curing cancer and women with moustaches